Object Gallery, Sydney 2001
Left: Disc-grace Photocopied acetate, thread, found materials
Right: Disc-grace High pressure jet-water cut vinyl records
Each: 1.25mts x 2.5mts
Photo: Rob Frith, Acorn Photo Agency

Created for the exhibition Lace - contemporary perspectives, the piece Disc-lace/Disc-grace is configured in two half circles, divided by the corner of a room. Both sections make reference to Renaissance lace patterns, one utilizing layered photocopied acetate circles and machine embroidery and the others lace pattern is industrially cut into the artist’s collection of vinyl records. This work reflects the artist’s tendency to reinvent traditional patterns by developing processes that are intended to blur disciplinary boundaries and challenge conventions and hierarchies of practice.
Sources: pamelagaunt.com.au \ galeriedusseldorf.com.au
This is ridiculously good. What about the music though?